Potential R&D collaboration - MetLife

Type: Research Collaboration at MetLife EXPIRED

About MetLife: We live in a time of unprecedented change. A time when economies, regulations, and social safety nets are all in flux. Customers around the globe have told us they’re overwhelmed by the pace of change and are looking for a trusted partner to help them manage life’s twists and turns. MetLife is committed to being that partner. That’s why we’re transforming our business: Delivering greater value for the people we serve by becoming a simpler, more focused, and future-facing company. We’ll be introducing new ways to meet our customers’ evolving needs, with flexible products; simpler, more intuitive experiences and a range of new services. MetLife. Navigating life together.
Earliest Start Date:
3rd Feb, 2023
Unicircles Rating:
(Ranked #16075, 0 votes)
Position Expiring:
11th Mar 2025

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