This document provides examples of basic REST API interactions using HTTP and JSON.
This document is intended for programmers who want to write code to interact with Unicircles using HTTP and JSON.
This document assumes that you understand the general idea of a REST API, and that you're familiar with the Unicircles GUI.
If you're using a UNIX system and you want to try the examples in this document without writing any code, you may find the UNIX command-line utilities curl or wget useful.
Category Name(Unicircles) Category ID ======================================================= ToMeet ------------------------------------------------------- Clubs 101 Match 102 ToWatch ------------------------------------------------------- Movies 0 Videos 3 TV Shows 9 TV Episodes 10 Actors 4 Directors 5 ToListen ------------------------------------------------------- Albums 1 Songs 2 Artists 6 ToRead -------------------------------------------------------- Books 7 Writers 8
The REST API has a number of methods that require user authentication to access personalized data. For instance, functionality on Unicircles available to logged in users, such as users recommendation list, wish/todo list, friends list and newsfeed are protected through the API which requires authentication. The Search API has no notion of accounts and therefore requires no authentication.
Authentication on Unicircles is REST Based so developer needs to provide parameter oid (here oid refers to email address of current/logged in user) with every action that requires authentication.
# /api/account/login?oid=<oid value> ifoid is register with us # /api/account/login?oid=<oid value>&uid=<user id/email address at Unicircles>&pwd=<password> # [password is needed once to establish link between oid and uid # (if authentication is succesful, next time authentication can be done only by oid) # response['data'] is a hash like the following { "return_to":null, "user":{ "id":1, "name":"Imdad Ali Khan", "code": "<encrypted password>", "email": "<email address>" }, "notice":"user logged in successfully" }
/api/account/signup/fields # Returns array of Field Data # Field Data is an array of 6 elements # [title, attribute_name, input_type, default_value, optional_field, required_field ] # optional_field # For select field field it contains the action_name # /api/account/signup/options/{action_name} # will return the options for the field as an array of arrays # For text field it contains the info like what should be the format of the text field # like minimum 10 characters long etc # The Date of Birth is an exception # the attribute_name is an array of attribute names # the optional_field contains the array of action names corresponding to each # attribute name
For select options you can query and you will get array of options each option is an array of two elements. first is the name (anchor tag) and second is the value attribute
/api/account/signup/options/years /api/account/signup/options/months /api/account/signup/options/dates /api/account/signup/options/genders /api/account/signup/options/educations /api/account/signup/options/languages /api/account/signup/options/countries - params: grouped=true - params: html=true [will return select HTML, applied only when grouped=true] This will retrun countries grouped by Hemisphere /api/account/signup/options/cities - params: grouped=true - params: html=true [will return select HTML, applied only when grouped=true] This will retrun cities grouped by Hemisphere
/api/account/signup/options/terms (this will return the terms and conditions "as a html string".
# u - user attributes as a hash # on successful signup (the user is automatically authenticated)Successful Response example:
{ "data":{ "user":{ "name":"abcd ef", "id":24 }, "notice":"user signup successful", "return_url":null }, "request":{ "params":{ "u":{ "date_of_birth(2i)":"12", "date_of_birth(3i)":"25", "password_confirmation":"12345", "gender":"male", "terms_of_service":"1", "first_language":"english", "first_name":"abcd", "country2_id":"1", "city_id":"238", "password":"12345", "login":"abcdef11", "last_name":"ef", "date_of_birth(1i)":"1980", "email_address":"" } }, "errorno":0, "id":1222 } }Unsuccessful Response example:
{ "data":[ "Please enter another email address. '' is already taken", "Please enter another username. 'abcdef11' is already taken" ], "request":{ "params":{ "u":{ "date_of_birth(2i)":"12", "date_of_birth(3i)":"25", "password_confirmation":"12345", "gender":"male", "terms_of_service":"1", "first_language":"english", "first_name":"abcd", "country2_id":"1", "city_id":"238", "password":"12345", "login":"abcdef11", "last_name":"ef", "date_of_birth(1i)":"1980", "email_address":"" } }, "errorno":1, "id":1221 } }
- /api/c/categories?becks=true or(DEPRECATED VERSION) - /api/c/becks_categories
- /api/u/gift/categories
Below URL retrieves filter of various lists( recommendations list, Wish/todo list and My list). (Authentication required)
- /api/c/filters
- /api/u/{user_id}/gift/filters # for gifts
-category_id (required) -list_id (optional, default = 0, Yoop (Public)) (Any list id whether it is reco list, my list or user list can be supplied ) Below is the valid list IDS - list_id - 0 -> filters for Yoop - list_id - 1 -> trendsetters recommended - list_id - 2 -> Friends and trendsetters recommended - list_id - 3 -> Unicircles and partners recommended - list_id - 4 -> My toplist - list_id - 5 -> My Wishlist -filter_type (optional) [default - 0 (All), 1 (genres), 2 (times), 3 (locations)] # To control the processing -limit (optional) [default - 5] this limit per category. sending limit = 0 turns off limit - user_id (required if supplying user list id)
login required if fetching my list, user list or (reco list and list_id > 0) Returns in :data field following hash { :genres => array_of_hashes_containing_id_title_and_count, :times => array_of_hashes_containing_id_title_and_count, :locations => array_of_hashes_containing_id_title_and_count }
To be used to retrieve the recommendation list for a particular category.Authentication required for list_id > 0
- category_id (required) - list_id (optional, default = 0, Yoop (Public)) [ list_id should belong /api/c/lists/reco list_ids] - genre_id (optional, default = 0, All Genres) - time_id (optional, default = 0, All Time Periods) - location_id (optional, default = 0, All Locations) - sort_id (optional, default = 0, Sort on Yoo Rating DESC) - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5) - response (optional, See the response group for details) - pp (optional, 0/1. default 0) Pass this value to force us to return perfect prospect matching the age group of current user Valid only for loged in user. - age (optional, its an alternative to 'pp' params.) Use this when you want a specific age range e.g &age=25:30 Valid for logged in user and guest user. - cc (optional, valid values includes ISO 3166-1 country code) if supplied it will return the items popular in that country NOTE:- params 'pp' and 'age' is only valid for prospects i.e for new friends and new dates.
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url, # :who_recommends # genres is array of hashes of id and title # who_recommends is array of user hashes(id, first_name and rating) who recommends/rated this item :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
Below URL retrieves gift ideas for a user and for a praticular category(Authentication required)
- category_id (required) - user_id (required, as a part of the url) - genre_id (optional, default = 0, All Genres) - time_id (optional, default = 0, All Time Periods) - location_id (optional, default = 0, All Locations) - sort_id (optional, default = 0, Sort on Yoo Rating DESC) - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5)
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url # genres is array of hashes of id and title :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
To retrieve my list (Toplist, ToDo/wish list and gift list) items below URL is used. Here my lists referes to personalized data of logged in user, so authentication is required.
- /api/my/toplist/{category_id} - /api/my/wishlist/{category_id} - /api/my/giftlist/{category_id} [TODO]
- category_id (required, as part of the url) - genre_id (optional, default = 0, All Genres) - time_id (optional, default = 0, All Time Periods) - location_id (optional, default = 0, All Locations) - sort_id (optional, default = 0, Sort on Yoo Rating DESC) - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5) - response (optional, See the response group for details)
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url # genres is array of hashes of id and title :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
To retrieve list items (Top, ToDo/wish, Gift lists) of any user below URL is used.
/api/u/{user_id}/toplist/{category_id} /api/u/{user_id}/wishlist/{category_id} /api/u/{user_id}/giftlist/{category_id} [TODO]
-category_id (required, as part of the url) -user_id (required, as the part of the url) - genre_id (optional, default = 0, All Genres) - time_id (optional, default = 0, All Time Periods) - location_id (optional, default = 0, All Locations) - sort_id (optional, default = 0, Sort on Yoo Rating DESC) To sort ToMeet - valid params are title ASC/DESC - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5)
{ :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url # genres is array of hashes of id and title :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
Below URL is used to submit user vote. These actions add/remove to my list.These actions require authentication
/api/c/vote/tup/{content_id} [Thumbs Up] /api/c/vote/tdn/{content_id} [Thumbs Down] /api/c/vote/del/{content_id} [Remove] /api/c/vote/{value}/{content_id} [stared rating, value should be 1- 5]
- content_id (required, as part of the url) [As provided in the record of any list item]
- response['data'] is rating value stored or false if failed
Below URL adds/deletes item to/from my wishlist(aka ToMeet/ToWatch/ToListen/ToRead).(Authentication required)
/api/c/wish/add/{content_id} /api/c/wish/del/{content_id}
- content_id (required, as part of the url) - genre_id (optional, default = 0, All Genres) - time_id (optional, default = 0, All Time Periods) - location_id (optional, default = 0, All Locations) - sort_id (optional, default = 0, Sort on Yoo Rating DESC) - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5) - response (optional, See the response group for details)
- response['data'] is true or false if failed
Below URL returns list of my friends.(Authentication required)
- limit (optional, defualt is 5) - offset (optional, defualt is 0) - order (optional, default is popularity) Valid values include below: - popularity => Sorts friends by popularity - date => Sorts friends by date added - taste_similarity => Sorts friends by overall taste similarity - taste_similarity_watch => Sorts friends by watch taste similarity - taste_similarity_listen => Sorts friends by listen taste similarity - taste_similarity_literature => Sorts friends by literature taste similarity - first_name DESC/ASC => Sorts friends by first name - last_name DESC/ASC => Sorts friends by last name
-response['data'] = { items: array_of_list_item, request: request_data_as_with_any_other_list } list_item contains following attributes... :id => content id(should always be in the form of date_prospect_<id>/friend_prospect_<id>) :title => full name of the friend :rank => Yoo rank of the friend :img_url => Image URL of the friend to get image of the friend :yoo_url => Detail page URL :email => Email address of the friend, :user_id => Numerical user id on yoopedia database.
Below URL returns list of a user, with id = user_id, friends.(Authentication required)
- user_id (required, as part of the url) - Other optional params are same as friends params
-response['data'] = { items: array_of_list_item, request: request_data_as_with_any_other_list } list_item contains following attributes... Same as my friends successful response
Below URL retrieves a list of items, friends or dates based on supplied keyword.
- category_id (required) - keyword (required) - limit (optional) [default - 5] this limit per category. sending limit = 0 turns off limit - response (optional, See the response group for details)
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # Array of items.The attributes of item depend on response group. :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
Below URL retrieves the detail of an item, friend or date based.
- content_id (required) - tr (optional) true/false, default is false Pass this params to retrieve the 'who likes' this item 'also recommends'
:id => content id, :title => title of the content :info => description of the content :category => Category of the contnet(ToWatch, ToListen or ToRead) :rating => Youtoo user rating(DEPRICATED) :rank => Yoo Rank of the content(DEPRICATED) :ratings => Array of Internal and external ratings. [ {:name => "#{APP_NAME} Rating", :value => value}, {:name => "Yoop's Custom Rating", :value => value} [Only if user is logged in and its available], {:name => "#{APP_NAME} Average Rating", :value => value, :votes => value}, {:name => 'External Rating', :value => value, :votes => value}, {:name => 'Imdb/Napter/Youtube Rating', :value => value, :votes => value} [For Movie,actor,director, album, song, video] ] :ranks => Array of Unicircles and yoo rank. [ {:name => "#{APP_NAME} Rank", :value => value}, {:name => 'Yoo Rank', :value => value} ] :genres => Genres of the content, blank if it is people(actor, director, artist or writer) :img_url => URL of the content to retrieve its image :yoo_url => Detail page URL(Internal use only) :ext_url => External link of the content i.e related link on,, or :embed_url => Only available for movie or video :buy_url => Related buy link on amazon, not available for video :ply_url => Playable url - only available for the conents and which are playable :ply_urls => Playable urls - only available for the conents and which are playable Its an array of hash as below [ {:link => url of source1, :source => name of the source1}, {:link => url of source2, :source => name of the source2}, {:link => url of source3, :source => name of the source3}, ........... ........... ] :playble => Content is playable or not :reviews => reviews of the content written by Unicircles user.(if params 'reviews'= true) [ :reviewer => {:id, :title, :img_url, :user_id} :review => {:id, :description, :created_at, :content_type => :content_title, :content_image) } ] :who_recommends => List of trendsetters (id, title, img_url) who recommends this(if params tr is true) :also_recommends => List of contents (id, title, img_url) recommended by "who_recommends/trendsetters" (if params tr is true) :wishlist => true/false, indicates if the item is user's todo list :my_rating => Indicate what is my current rating (0 - 100) :actors => List of actors(title, id), [Only for movies] :directors => List of directors(title, id), [Only for movies] :songs => List of songs in the album[Only for album] :album => Album of the song[Only for song] :music_artists => List of artists(title, id)[For song and album] :authors => List of authors(title, id)[Only for book] :episodes => List of TV serie episodes(title, id)[Only for Tv serie] :series => Name of TV serie(title, id)[Only for TV Episode] :movies => List of movies(title, id) actor/director participated in [Only for actors/directors] :books => List of books (title, id) the writer has written [Only for writers] :albums => List of albums (title, id) the artist is related to
:id => content_id :title => Full name :first_name => First name :last_name => Last name :about => About the user(what he/she has provided about him/her self) :trivia => Complied user's info (E.g- # First name is Age years old, lives in Metro Area (Country), and speaks Language. # His / Her Yoop Rank is N and Trendsetter Rank is M. (IF AVAILABLE:) He/She likes ZZZ, has XXX, # and wants YYY.) :gender => Gender :wants => Wants :has => Has :likes => Likes :date_of_birth => Date of birth :member_since => Since when the user is on Unicircles :languages => Primary and secondary language of the user :cities => Metro cities of the user :category => ToMeet :video_url => Profile video URl uploaded by user itself :popularity => User's popularity on Unicircles :trendsetter_name => Trendsetter name of the user(TrendMaster, TrendSetter or TrendSeeker) :trendsetter_rank => Trendsetter rank on Unicircles :trendsetter_rating => Trendsetter rating/score of the user :rank => Yoo rank of the user :img_url => Image URL of the user :email_address => Email address of the user :user_id => User ID of the user :friends => list of user friends :friendship => Indicates friendship status of user, possible values are - accepted - means both are friend - invited - means you have invite him/her - invite - means he/she is not your friend, so you can send invite - accept - means user has invited you and you need to accept this request. :reviews => list of reviews written by the user.
Below URL retrieves my newsfeed/update(Authentication required)
- user_id (required)
{ :item =>{ :title => name-of-title, :yoo_url => detail-page-url-or-nil, }, :action => name-of-the-action-or-nil, :doer => { :name => action-doer-name, :yoo_url => detail-page-url, }, :when => time-of-action }
Below URL sends an invitation mail to external user .Here external users means- user who is not using Unicircles (Authentication required)
- email (required, as part of the url) - message (optional)
- response['data'] is invitaion message
Below URL is used to find the existence of a user
/api/u/exists [DEPRICATED] /api/account/exists [NEW]
- username/login or email address(required, as part of the url)
- response['data'] is either true/false
Below URL adds a friend to the friendlist of current user (Authentication required)
- friend_id (required, as part of the url, do not confuse this with content_id it should be the user_id) - message (optional, so that invitee can identify inviter) - resend (optional(true/false), to resend an invite.)
- response['data'] is invitaion message
We have grouped the result set into the three listed below. To retrieve the response group of your choice just append response=small/medium/large in the URL including other parameters. A valid resposne group can be supplied while retrieving any list items.
id, title, category
id, title, info, category, rating, rank, img_url, yoo_url, new_release, pre_release
id, title, info, tooltip, category, rating, rank, genres, img_url, yoo_url, ext_url, buy_url, ply_url, playble, new_release pre_release
Below URL is used to send a message to a friend (Authentication required)
- recipient_id (required, as part of the url) [should be a valid user_id not content_id] - subject (optional) - body (required)
- response['data'] is custom message delivery message
Below URL resets the password of the a user whose email address or username/login is passed as an argument.
/api/u/forget_password [DEPRICATED] /api/account/forgot_password [NEW]
- email/username (required, as part of the url)
- response['data'] is respose messages
Below URL is used to recommend a content to a friend.This actions requires authentication
- content_id (required, as part of the url) [As provided in the record of any list item] - recipient_id (required, as part of the url) - message (optional, if you want to attach message)
- response['data'] is notification
Below URL retrieves a list of items matching a keyword in our partners database.
- category_id (required) - keyword (required)
Returns in :data field following hash { :item_count => total_item_count, :category => ToWatch/ToRead/ToListen, :items => [ {:title, :description, :source_id} ] }
Below URL imports an item our partners database. NOTE:- This a asynchorous process ie the import will be a realtime action, but it will accept request and later it will import item, optionally it will be added item to you list if specified
- category_id (required) - source_id (required) - list (optional) [valid values - toplist/wishlist] If passed the imported item will added to user's list(toplist/wishlist) But for this Authentication is required.
- response['data'] is respose messages
Below URL retrieves the image of an item.
- content_id (required) - size (optional) , default is large, same size what we show on site show page. Valid sizes are: small, medium, thumbnail, large and xlarge
{:img_url => 'url of the image', :size => size of the image, :id => content id}
Below URL returns the exact information what we have on our 'Mix & Match' page, To get this record one need to be Authenticated.
- user_id (required)
- response['data'] contains below: { :both_likes => [ { :type=> content_type,:img_url => image URL of content, :title => Title of the content, :id => content_id }, ................ ................ ] :both_dislikes => [ { :type=>content_type,:img_url => image URL of content, :title => Title of the content, :id => content_id }, ................ ................ ] :friend_recommends => [ { :type=>content_type,:img_url => image URL of content, :title => Title of the content, :id => content_id }, ................ ................ ] }
The below URL return time stamp when list (toplist or wishlist) were last updated by user activity.This action requires Authentication
- category_id (required) - list (required) either toplist, wishlist, recos or friend NOTE: For friend list pass category_id 101.
- response['data'] is a integer representation of last modified
To retrieve latest items/members, below URL is used. If user is authenticated then it will exclude the item rated or added to wishlist of the logged in user.
- /api/c/latest?category_id={category_id}
- category_id (required, as part of the url) - oid (optional), if passed it will return personalized new and pre releases - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5) - filter (optional), possible options - new, trending and upcoming Default value is all which we need not to pass.
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url # genres is array of hashes of id and title :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }
Below URL creates temporary user account which is mainly used for pre login swoop.
- None, no any params are required
- response['data'] => {:message => 'Account created', :id => user_id, :email => email_of the user}
Below URL is used to create swoop for pre login page. NOTE:- Bedefault swoop is created from 'yoop' but if we pass 'sid' params which is user_id of inviter then swoop is created from inviters wish and toplist items.
- oid (required) - This is email address of temporary user - rid (required) - This is temporary user_id, see here how to create temporary account - sid (optional) - This will be user_id of inviter, this is required if the user follows invite link to sign up But for this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :token => token of the swoop which is used when accepting or removing swoop items, :sender => {:name => sender name, :id => sender content id }, :books => [ { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :movies => [ { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :albums => [ { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :tvseries => [ { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ] :videos => [ { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ] }
Below URL is used to send a swoop invite to a user
- oid (required) - This is email address of logged in user - rid (required) - Invitee's user_id - mtitle (optional) - Title of swoop message - mbody (optional) - Body text of the swoop message For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "Swoop invite sent to xxx." }
Below URL is used to add a swoop item to wishlist
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - swoop_id (required) - This is the id of swoop For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "XXX added to you todo list", :title => title of the swoop item, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false (whether in my wishlist or not), :swoop_id => swoop ID, :id => content ID }
Below URL is used to recommend a swoop, recommending a swoop item adds that item to user's toplist with 4 start rating
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - swoop_id (required) - This is the id of swoop For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "XXX added to you todo list", :title => title of the swoop item, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false (whether in my wishlist or not), :swoop_id => swoop ID, :id => content ID }
Below URL is used to accept all swoop items.
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - token (required) - This is the token received when creating or viewing swoop - type (optional) - This is type of swoop (eg movie, book, album tvseries or video) NOTE: If type is not provided then all swoop item is added to wishlist. For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "Added nn items to your todos list" :type => [ { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :count => number of item added } NOTE: Here type can be movies, books, albums, tvseries or videos, it will be plural of type we pass as params.
Below URL is used to remove all swap item of a type or a particular swap item (movie, book, album etc).
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - token - This is the token received when creating or viewing swoop - type - This is type of swap (eg movie, book, album, tvseries or video) - swoop_id - Swoop ID of the content For this Authentication is required. NOTE: We need not to provide token and type when providing swoop_id, if we provide swoop_id then that particular swoop will be removed. And if we want to remove all swoop of a type then we need to provide token and type.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "Removed nn items to your todos list" :type => [ { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ] } NOTE: Here type can be movies, books, albums, tvseries or videos, it will be plural of type we pass as params.
Below URL is used to finish a swoop
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - token (required) - This is the token received when creating or sending swoop For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "Added nn items to your todos list" }
Below URL is used to get swoop messages which is used view swoop items
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - pending (optional) - If passed if will only return un read swoop messages For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash :messages => { :subject => "Title of the swoop message", :body => swoop message, :token => swoop token used to view, accept or declince swoop, :created_at => when swoop was sent, :sender => {:name => sender name, :id sender content id} }
Below URL is used to view swoop and its items
- oid (required) - This is email address of temporary user - token (required) - swoop token For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :token => token of the swoop which is used when accepting or removing swoop items, :sender => {:name => sender name, :id => sender content id }, :books => [ { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of book', :id => content_id of book, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :movies => [ { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of movie', :id => content_id of movie, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :albums => [ { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of album', :id => content_id of album, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ], :tvseries => [ { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of tvseries', :id => content_id of tvseries, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ] :videos => [ { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, { :title => 'title of video', :id => content_id of video, :my_rating => my rating, :wishlist => true/false, :swoop_id => swoop id }, .................... .................... ] }
Below URL is used to decline all item of a swoop.
- oid (required) - This is email address of user, if using it for pre login then pass temporary user's email address - token (required) - This is the token received when creating or viewing swoop For this Authentication is required.
Returns in :data field following hash { :message => "Successfully declined swoop", :count => number of item declined }
Below URL is used to accept a club request, for this (Authentication is required)
- friend_id (required, as part of the url, do not confuse this with content_id it should be the user_id)
- response['data'] is a notification
Below URL is used to reject a club request, for this (Authentication is required)
- friend_id (required, as part of the url, do not confuse this with content_id it should be the user_id)
- response['data'] is a notification
Below URL is used to remove a club member from your list, for this (Authentication is required)
- friend_id (required, as part of the url, do not confuse this with content_id it should be the user_id)
- response['data'] is a notification
Below URL is used to link your external account with Unicircles account. Once you have linked your account with Unicircles account then you can login with external account. For this (Authentication is required)
- eid (required, external user ID) - source (required, Source name eg - facebook)
- response['data'] is a notification
To retrieve the trending items among the friends and influencers, below URL is used. Authenticated is required.
- /api/c/trending?category_id={category_id}&oid={email address}
- category_id (required, as part of the url) - oid (required) - offset (optional, default = 0) - limit (optional, default = 5) - filter (optional), possible options - new and upcoming
Returns in :data field following hash { :items => [..], # array of hashes containing # :id, :title, :info, :rating, :rank, :genres, # :img_url, :yoo_url, :ext_url, :buy_url # genres is array of hashes of id and title :item_count => total_item_count # Total Item Count For Param Settings :page => { :offset => page_offset, :limit => page_limit, :is_first_page => true_if_first_page, :is_last_page => true_if_last_page } }